Partner, Strategy, Risk Management and Transactions Consulting Division

Niton Coulibaly


Niton Coulibaly: 16 years of experience, including 13  years in the auditing and consulting professions 

Niton Coulibaly began her career in the audit department of EY Côte d’Ivoire as a financial auditor and accountant in 2009. For eight years, she carried out and then led the audit missions of both local companies and multinationals, some of which were listed on the BRVM.

In addition to auditing, Niton is involved in internal control improvement missions as well as management audits. She has also participated in management audit and internal control improvement missions for state and private companies.

She is increasingly passionate about consulting. So, in 2017, when the opportunity arose, she did not hesitate to join the Strategy & Transaction department of the same firm as Senior Manager in charge of the Transactions Due Diligence service sub-line.

For 4 years, she will lead several financial due diligence missions in Ivory Coast, Senegal, Mali, Togo, Cameroon and Chad.

Niton has also held positions as Chief Financial Officer, where she worked on maintaining cash balance, structuring projects, and managing and monitoring teams.


Financial and Administrative Department

Studies :

Finance accounting of ECS at ESCAE (INP HB Yamoussoukro).



Alongside her professional activities,

Niton is involved in coaching programs and initiatives for young women aimed at encouraging them to find the right balance between their roles as a female executive and a mother.

She is also one of the pioneers of the women’s movement at EY Côte d’Ivoire, which she coined the name WILL: Women In Life and Leadership.